Shopping List Todoist

Back in the fall of 2016, I switched my to-do list manager from a simple text-file based list to Todoist. I made the switch because I was looking for something with more capabilities than what my text-file offered—in particular, the ability to schedule tasks for certain dates and times. I chose Todoist because it looked like it could do everything I needed. I made sure to play with it for several months, and now having become a Todoist “Expert” (based on the Karma ranking they app provides), I feel I’ve used it enough to write about it, and to give a strong recommendation for folks looking for a to-do manager.

Here are my top 8 reasons I think Todoist is a great to-do list manager:

1. It is easy-to-use. You type in your to-do item and it adds it to your list. You can easily assign a to-do item to a project by prefacing the project name with a # sign as you type.


You can plan your day, shopping list, and keep track of deadlines, projects, and appointments. Here is a list of the 5 best online to-do lists that just about anyone can benefit from. The Top 5 Online To Do Lists Microsoft To-Do. Of course, tech giant Microsoft would have an online to-do list. I want in my weekly review to see things that don’t have a date operator, but I don’t want to see my shopping list items, because they’re already nested under a task that does. I’m a recent IQTell convert, and IQTell had a feature called ‘To-Do List’ that was brilliant for this, just a simple list feature that was basically. Grocery Shopping List - Best Practices? I feel like a moron asking this, but I'm a new Todoist user (been using Trello for everything in the past). One of the best features of Trello was to create a 'card' (task) and then put checklists under it.

2. It is available everywhere in a consistent way. The app looks the same on my MacBook, iPad, iPhone, and in a web browser. There is nothing new to learn.

3. It has natural language recognition of dates. One of the things I have discovered about using to-do lists is that if I don’t give an item a specific date or time to complete, I don’t complete it. Todoist makes it easy by allow you to type in natural language dates. I can type: “Write post on Todoist tomorrow,” and the “tomorrow” is recognized as a date and assigned that date accordingly.

4. It integrates with my calendar. My calendar is the central place I use for managing my days. As I add things to my to-do list and assign them dates and times, those dates and times also appear on my calendar so that I don’t have to be looking at Todoist at all to know that I have things to do.

5. Sharing is easy. My wife uses Todoist and we have a shared project called “Family.” We can assign tasks to one another in this project, and the tasks show up on our respective lists—and also on our calendars. When one of us completes a task, the other is notified.

6. The Karma feature is a powerful motivator. Todoist implements a unique feature called Karma, which gamifies the process of managing your to-do list. You get Karma points for completing tasks, using advanced features and function. The more points you get, you accrue different levels of usage. (When I hit 7500 Karma points, I became an “expert.”) Karma also helps ensure you are using the tool correctly. If I don’t complete a task on a given day, I can reschedule it, and the Karma features encourage this. They also let me set daily and weekly goals, and track trends.

7. It has a useful API. My old to-do list was integrated into some scripts I had that allows me to automate my timekeeping at work. Filling out my timesheet and charging back to projects became simple and easy by parsing completed items in my to-do list. Todoist’s API was easy enough to use to allow me to replicate this functionality using Todoist instead of my old plain text file.

8. It integrates with Alexa. While I don’t use this functionality as much as I could, Todoist does integrate with Alexa. So if I am in the kitchen and realize we are low on milk, I can simply say, “Alexa, add milk to my shopping list.” Alexa does this, and as I have configured Alexa to use Todoist as my list manager, the item goes on my Todoist shopping list.

I resisted to-do applications for a long time, because they often seemed to add more effort than they saved. But Todoist has found the right balance. It is easy to add items to a list, search a list, organize lists into projects, schedule and assign tasks, and the Karma feature makes me feel good about all of the things I’m getting done. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a to-do list manager.

There are surprisingly many (19!) ways to add tasks in Todoist. Here you will get a detailed overview of all of them.

The ability to quickly add a task to your task manager is vital for ensuring what David Allen refers to as “one trusted system.” The fact that you quickly can add a task or idea in almost any situation is one of the reasons why I like Todoist.

You can add tasks in Todoist using the keyboard on your phone or computer. With the help of Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri you can use your voice to add tasks. You can also add tasks by email or automate the process using IFTTT.

Typing in tasks in Todoist

Whether you are using the web version, the Windows 10 app, or the Mac version, you can start by clicking on the Add Task link. Then you can type in whatever you want in the task window. By clicking on the different icons in the bottom right corner, you can add or select project, label, reminder, priority, and comment.

Shopping List Todoist

Using the keyboard shortcut

In Todoist, hitting the Q button on your keyboard will automatically bring up the Quick Add Task window. This is a free-floating window with the same design as the Add Task window.

How to add tasks in Todoist using only the keyboard

In either one of these windows, it is possible to add a task, with a project, label, priority, and date – all without using the mouse. Here is how:

  1. Hit Q on your keyboard to bring up the window.
  2. Type in the task.
  3. Hit the space-key, after that #. This brings up your project list.
  4. Start typing the project name until the project you want shows up.
  5. If needed, use the arrow keys to set the focus on the correct project.
  6. Hit Enter to select a project.
    1. If you are using a shared project, and want to assign the task to a project member, hit the + sign.
    2. Select the person, and hit Enter.
  7. Hit the space-key, after that @. This brings up a list of your labels.
  8. Select in the same manner as with projects.
  9. If you want to add a priority, hit the space-key, after that P.
  10. Type in priority between 1 and 3.
  11. To add a date, hit the space-key, after that type the date or day. See below, for details on dates.

Adding dates

Todoist understands natural language when it comes to days, months, etc. For adding a specific date, type in the date in your preferred format or use the calendar to select a date.

MonNext Monday
TueNext Tuesday
WedNext Wednesday
ThuNext Thursday
FriNext Friday
SatNext Saturday
SunNext Sunday
Every MondayEvery Monday
Every other MondayEvery other Monday
Every third MondayEvery third Monday
Every MonthEvery Month

The really neat thing is that you can type in all of this in the task field, without having to use your mouse.

Adding comments

A thing I find a bit annoying is that if you want to add more than one comment, or if you want to add attachments or emails, you will not get the functionality needed for this by using the comment function from Add Task windows.

The workaround here is to set the date to today’s date (Today.) Then you add the comments, files, or emails, and then change the date to the date that you want this task to be done.

38 keyboard shortcuts that will improve productivity in Todoist and Evernote

Here are keyboard shortcuts that will improve productivity in Todoist, and Evernote. This is part two of a mini-series about keyboard shortcuts ...
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Emailing tasks to a project in Todoist


You can email a task to any project in Todoist, including your inbox. This is done using the unique email address associated with each project. You can find this address by clicking on the Project Actions icon and then selecting Email tasks to this project.

Adding emails from Outlook

Using the Todoist Outlook add-in, you can easily add emails as an attachment or as a task. What is outstanding with this add-in is that the email keeps the connection to Outlook, making it possible to open the email directly from the Todoist Outlook add-in.

Add the email itself as a task

  1. Click on the email in Outlook.
  2. With the email in focus, click on the + in the Todoist Outlook add-in.
  3. Click on the Add email as task link at the bottom of the Quick Add Task window.
  4. Add project, label, priority, and date as needed.
  5. Click the Add Task button.

Add the email as an attachment to a task

  1. Click on the email in Outlook.
  2. Click on the grey comment icon to the right of the task.
  3. Hit the + button under Add comment.
  4. Click the Add Comment button.
  5. Close the task using the X in the upper right corner.

To download the Outlook add-in, go to

Adding emails from Gmail

With the Todoist Gmail add-in, it’s very easy to create tasks based on your email.

  1. Click on the Todoist icon in Gmail. This brings up the Quick Add Task window.
  2. Follow instructions as for Typing in tasks in Todoist.

Adding tasks from your browser

Todoist have add-ins for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. The instructions should be identical for all browsers.

Add tasks in Todoist from Chrome

  1. Click on the Todoist icon in your browser. This will open a small window similar to the web version of Todoist.
  2. Either click on the + icon, click on Add Task or use the Q key on your keyboard.
  3. Follow the instructions for Typing in tasks in Todoist.

You can find all the add-ins by visiting


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Add tasks in Todoist from your Android phone or tab

This can be done by tapping on the + icon in the lower right corner. You can also use a dedicated widget. When tapped, this will bring up the Add Task window. See the instructions for Typing in tasks in Todoist. Be aware that the keyboard shortcut does not work here.

Adding tasks from a Samsung phone with a Bixby button

If you have a Samsung Galaxy S8, S9, Note8, or Note9, you have a dedicated button for Bixby, Samsung’s smart assistant. If you do not use Bixby, there are several apps that let you deactivate or reassign this button for other purposes.

I have used the bxActions app to make this button bring up the Add Task window on my Samsung Galaxy Note8.

Add a task using Braintoss

Braintoss is a great app that let you add a task to your Todoist inbox in the form of a text, image or audio recording. See the below blog post for details.

How to set up Braintoss for Todoist to capture ideas on the move

Braintoss is the perfect tool for capturing information on the go, something that is a key element for successful GTD ...
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Add tasks in Todoist using Google Assistant

Using Google Assistant, you can add tasks by following these steps:

  1. a. Say “OK Google, let me talk to Todoist.” or
    b. Long press the Home button on your phone and say “Let me talk to Todoist.”
  2. Say “Add a task Buy cat food.”
  3. After adding the task, the Todoist assistant will inform you that “The task has been added. Any changes?” At this point, you can move it to a project, add a label or set the task’s priority.
  4. You can move it to a project such as “Shopping” by saying:
    1. “Move it to shopping.
    2. “Move to shopping.
    3. “Project shopping.”
  5. You can add a label to the task, such as “Important”:
    1. “Add label important.”
    2. “Add important label.”
    3. “Label important.”
  6. You can set the priority of the task as well:
    1. “Set priority 4.”
    2. “Priority 3.”
    3. “Set priority to 1.”

Add an email as a task from Nine Email

Nine Email is the best Android-based email app I have found as an alternative for Newton.
The app lets you share the email text as a task or comment in Todoist.

Adding a task from your Android Wear wearable

I haven’t tried this myself, but it’s supposed to work like this:

  1. Say “OK Google, start to do list. Add task. Buy cat food.”
  2. The task Buy cat food is then added to your Todoist Inbox.

Add tasks in Todoist from your iPhone or iPad

You can add a task to Todoist from the widget on your iOS device. See the instructions for Typing in tasks in Todoist. Be aware that the keyboard shortcut does not work here.

Add tasks using Siri

To add tasks using Siri, call up Siri and use one of the following sentences:

  • “Add [task name] in Todoist.”
  • “Add a task named [task name] in Todoist.”
  • “Remind me to [task name] in Todoist.”

Free Electronic To Do List

To add a due date and time and/or a project to any task, use the following format:

  • “Add [task name] [due date and time] in Todoist.”
  • “Add [task name] to my [project name] list in Todoist.”
Note that when adding tasks to projects, you need to use the word “list” after the project name.

Add task via voice command on Apple Watch

  1. Open the Todoist app by tapping the Todoist logo on your Apple Watch.
  2. Force touch anywhere inside the app, and you will see the option to Add Task.
  3. Once you see the voice recognition waves, say the task details and tap Done.
  4. On the next screen, you can select the task’s project.
  5. When you are finished, tap Save.

Add tasks in Todoist using Google Home

The Google Home is powered by Google Assistant. To add a task to Todoist, start with saying
“OK Google, let me talk to Todoist.” Then, follow the instructions for Google Assistant.

Using Amazon Echo and Alexa to add tasks in Todoist

Todoist can be enabled as a skill in Alexa. When this is done, you will be able to use your voice to add tasks in Todoist. I have not tried this myself and will, therefore, recommend Todoists article on how to do this, as well as Toms Guide also on how to set up Todoist with Alexa.

Add multiple tasks by using copy and paste

What is the easiest way to add multiple tasks to Todoist? Use a text editor.

  1. Start by making a list in your favorite text editor. It can be Word, TextPad, Evernote, or any other application.
  2. Make a list with each task on a separate line. Use a hard return (Enter).
  3. Copy the text.
  4. Click + Add Task in Todoist. You then get a question, “Do you want to add X tasks?”
  5. Answer “Yes.” (If you answer “No” the text will be pasted as a continuous text in a single task.)

If you want to sign up for Todoist Premium, I would appreciate if you use this link. This will not cost you any extra but will give me two months Todoist Premium. Thank you!

Add tasks in Todoist using automation

Add tasks in Todoist using the free IFTTT service

IFTTT is short for IF That, Then This. With the help of IFTTT, you can create a two-step automation that automatically creates tasks in your Todoist inbox based on a trigger. I use IFTTT for the following:

  • Every time I get a text message, a copy of the text is created as a task in my Todoist inbox.
  • If I have an unanswered phone call, the task of calling back the given number is created in the Todoist inbox.
  • When I get a new Twitter follower, I get a task in my Todoist inbox so that I can follow up if needed.

Alexa Shopping List Todoist

Add tasks in Todoist Zapier

Shopping List Todoist Download

Zapier is a more advanced alternative to IFTTT. In Zapier you can create a multi-step automation that creates tasks in Todoist. Zapier has a lot more possibilities than IFTTT, but you will have to pay for multi-step automations or extensive use.

Todoist Shared List

Puh! That was 19 different ways to make you remember. Whats your favorite way?