Tricare Prime Ambulance Copay

Note: Visit our Copayment and Cost-Share Information page for 2021 costs.

  1. Tricare Prime Ambulance Copay Card
  2. Tricare Prime Ambulance Copays
  3. Tricare Prime Retired Copay
  4. Tricare Prime Retiree Copay
  5. Is There A Copay For Tricare Prime
  6. Tricare Prime Copay Increase

If you have Tri Care Prime then the co=pay for: ER is $ 30.00 and Ambulance is $20.00 I just paid my bill the other day for the ER/Ambulance and Hospital stay was $11.00 per day (7-days @ $77.00 less co-pay $25.00 = $52.00). The TRICARE Prime copay will only be charged to those service members and their families who are not active duty. However, there is a TRICARE Prime cost added if members use the point-of-service option. This happens when members fail to get a referral from their PCM for specialist services. They will, therefore, pay costs out-of-pocket as required.

  1. Retirees covered under TRICARE Prime will also see minor copay increases. These will apply to emergency room visits, outpatient surgery and ground ambulance. Copays for these items will increase by $1. Also, copays for inpatient admissions will increase by $4 per admission.
  2. Copayments are per occurrence or per visit. Cost-shares are a percentage of the contracted rate for network providers and the maximum TRICARE allowable for non-network providers on certain types of services. Beneficiaries have an out-of-pocket maximum for covered medical expenses; this is known as the catastrophic cap.
  3. . PURCHASING TRICARE RESERVE SELECTIf your family members were not enrolled in TRICARE Prime or TOP Prime when you separated from active duty and would like to enroll, you must complete. And submit it to your regional contractor or TOP Regional Call Center. For new enrollments in TRICARE Prime, stateside enrollment.
Tricare prime ambulance copay program

View the cost information below for retirees and their family members (not including TRICARE Young Adult) with sponsors who enlisted before Jan. 1, 2018.

Enrollment Fees$300/individual, $600/family
Annual Deductibles$0$150/individual, $300/family
Catastrophic Cap$3,000 per calendar year$3,000 per calendar year

Note:Point of Service cost-shares and deductibles may apply to TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Prime Remote beneficiaries.

Annual deductibles apply to outpatient services only.

Type of CareTRICARE PrimeTRICARE Select
Ambulance Services - Outpatient$41Network Provider: $90
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Ambulatory Surgery$62Network Provider: 20%
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Ancillary Services$0Network Provider: $0
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Durable Medical Equipment20%Network Provider: 20%
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Emergency Room$62Network Provider: $118
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Home Health Care$0*$0*
Hospice Care$0$0
Hospitalization - Physical Health$156 per admissionNetwork Provider: Lesser of $250 per day or 25%,
plus 20% of professional fees
Non-Network Provider: Lesser of $1,035 per day or 25%,
plus 25% of professional fees
Hospitalization - Mental Health$156 per admissionNetwork Provider: Lesser of $250 per day or 25%,
plus 20% of professional fees
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Laboratory and X-Rays$0Network Provider: $0
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Maternity Care - Inpatient Delivery Setting$156 per admissionNetwork Provider: Lesser of $250 per day or 25%,
plus 20% of professional fees
Non-Network Provider: Lesser of $1,035 per day or 25%,
plus 25% of professional fees
Office Visits - Primary Care$20Network Provider: $30
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Office Visits - Specialty Care$31Network Provider: $45
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Outpatient Mental Health Visits$31Network Provider: $45
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Partial Hospitalization$31 per day**Network Provider: $45**
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Preventive Services - Eye Examinations$0Not a covered benefit
Preventive Services - All Other Covered Services$0$0
Residential Treatment Center$31 per dayNetwork Provider: Lesser of $250 per day or 25%,
plus 20% of professional fees
Non-Network Provider: 25% of allowable charges
Skilled Nursing Facility$31 per dayNetwork Provider: Lesser of $250 per day or 25%,
plus 20% of professional fees
Non-Network Provider: 25% of allowable charges
Urgent Care Services$31Network Provider: $30
Non-Network Provider: 25%
Is there a copay for tricare prime

*Costs may apply for durable medical equipment (DME) and medications/drugs.

**Copayment information is calculated per day for partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient treatment. Opioid treatment program services copayment is applied on a weekly basis.

Tricare Prime Ambulance Copay Card

Note: Visit our Copayment and Cost-Share Information page to view 2020 costs.
  • TRICARE Select, TRICARE Young Adult Select, TRICARE Reserve Select, and TRICARE Retired Reserve annual deductibles apply.
  • TRICARE Young Adult costs are based on the sponsor's status.
  • Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) beneficiaries (service members and their family members) follow the active duty family member copayment/cost-share information, based on the TRICARE plan type.

A beneficiary's cost is determined by the sponsor's initial enlistment or appointment date:

Tricare Prime Ambulance Copays

  • Group A: Sponsor's enlistment or appointment date occurred prior to Jan. 1, 2018.
  • Group B: Sponsor's enlistment or appointment date occurred on or after Jan. 1, 2018.

Tricare Prime Retired Copay

Outpatient costs are applied to the following transports:

Tricare Prime Retiree Copay

  • beneficiary's residence, accident scene or other location to a military or VA hospital, or skilled nursing facility (SNF)
  • hospital or SNF to the beneficiary's residence

Inpatient costs are applied to the following transports:

  • between hospitals or SNFs
  • emergency room or civilian hospital to a military or VA hospital
  • emergency room to a hospital more capable of providing the required level of care

TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Prime Remote (not including TRICARE Young Adult)

Active Duty Family MembersRetirees and Their Family Members

Group A:

Outpatient: $0
Inpatient: $0

Group B:

Outpatient: $0
Inpatient: $0

Group A:

Outpatient: $42
Inpatient: 25%

Group B:

Outpatient: $42
Inpatient: 25%

TRICARE Select (not including TRICARE Young Adult)

Is There A Copay For Tricare Prime

Active Duty Family MembersRetirees and Their Family Members

Group A:


Network Provider: $70
Non-Network Provider: 20%

Inpatient: 20%

Group B:


Network Provider: $15
Non-Network Provider: 20%

Inpatient: 20%

Group A:


Network Provider: $93
Non-Network Provider: 25%

Inpatient: 25%

Group B:


Network Provider: $63
Non-Network Provider: 25%

Inpatient: 25%

TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) and TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR)



Network Provider: $15
Non-Network Provider: 20%

Inpatient: 20%


Network Provider: $63
Non-Network Provider: 25%

Inpatient: 25%

TRICARE Young Adult (TYA)

Tricare Prime Copay Increase

TYA PrimeTYA Select
Active Duty Family MembersRetiree Family MembersActive Duty Family MembersRetiree Family Members
Outpatient: $0
Inpatient: $0
Outpatient: $42
Inpatient: 25%


Network Provider: $15
Non-Network Provider: 20%

Inpatient: 20%


Network Provider: $63
Non-Network Provider: 25%

Inpatient: 25%